Pollonais, Blanc, de la Bastide & Jacelon


Amalia Maharaj

Service Line Leader/Partner
Corporate and Commercial
Port of Spain
868 612 7235 ext 242


868 764 2210

Profile Description:

Amalia joined the firm in 2002 and was initially exposed to all areas of practice, including acting as an Instructing Attorney in civil matters in the High Court and Court of Appeal, property and estate transactions and corporate and commercial transactions.

From 2006 Amalia has focused her practice on banking and finance transactions including large scale project finance facilities, mergers and acquisitions and securities law. She is versed in the review and drafting of all forms of loan and security documentation for commercial financing transactions; mergers and acquisitions; drafting and reviewing of a variety of commercial contracts and leases. Her practice also extends to the establishment of mutual funds and collective investment schemes; insurance law; the drafting and negotiation of power purchase agreements for the energy and renewable energy sector, bond issues; preparation and review of all forms of FIDIC and JCT construction contracts on behalf of all parties ; registration of market actors under the Securities Act.

Amalia also acts as lead counsel in cross border transactions; rendering of legal opinions and representation of companies in the oil and gas sector.

Her breadth of commercial experience has placed her well to service her large clientele, including government entities, financial institutions, insurance companies, securities firms and public and private entities.

Areas Of Practice

Banking And Finance, Project Financing, Capital Markets Transactions, Mergers And Acquisitions, Commercial Law, Construction Contracts, Cross-Border Transactions, Oil & Gas Matters, Energy And Renewable Energy Power Purchase Agreements


2002 Trinidad and Tobago.


L.L.B. (Hons) (The University Of The West Indies) 2000

L.E.C. (Merit) (The Hugh Wooding Law School) 2002

Msc International Banking And Finance (University Of Salford Manchester, Uk (Pending Thesis)

Continuing Education:

Public Private Partnerships- Euromoney- June 2010 Practical Use Of 1999 Fidic Contract For Epc Turnkey Silverbook Jcc, Ecv And Fidic – June 2009

Loan Documentation & Advanced Loan Documentation Euromoney – June 2008

Project Procurement In The Caribbean: Pros And Cons Institute Of Surveyors Of Trinidad & Tobago

Fundamentals Of Derivatives Brian E.F. Jones – July 2007

Security Documentation & Advanced Security Documentation Euromoney – April 2007

Understanding Construction Claims Katz & Stone, Bould Consulting – May 2006

Gas/LNG Contracts: Structures, Pricing & Negotiations

Certificate of practical training in mediation- Trinidad And Tobago Chamber Of Industry And Commerce Commerce- September 2023

40 Hour 5-Day Mediation Workshop- Trinidad And Tobago Chamber Of Industry And Commerce- November 2023 (Pending Appointment As A Certified Mediator In Civil Matters By The Mediation Board Of Trinidad And Tobago)

Professional Affiliations

Director Agostini’s Limited

Director Scotiabank Trinidad & Tobago Limited

Director Kenesjay Limited

Former Chairperson Maple Leaf International School

Former Chairperson Salaries Commission

Former Director Investt

Former Director The Heroes Foundation

Profile Description:

Amalia joined the firm in 2002 and was initially exposed to all areas of practice, including acting as an Instructing Attorney in civil matters in the High Court and Court of Appeal, property and estate transactions and corporate and commercial transactions.

From 2006 Amalia has focused her practice on banking and finance transactions including large scale project finance facilities, mergers and acquisitions and securities law. She is versed in the review and drafting of all forms of loan and security documentation for commercial financing transactions; mergers and acquisitions; drafting and reviewing of a variety of commercial contracts and leases. Her practice also extends to the establishment of mutual funds and collective investment schemes; insurance law; the drafting and negotiation of power purchase agreements for the energy and renewable energy sector, bond issues; preparation and review of all forms of FIDIC and JCT construction contracts on behalf of all parties ; registration of market actors under the Securities Act.

Amalia also acts as lead counsel in cross border transactions; rendering of legal opinions and representation of companies in the oil and gas sector.

Her breadth of commercial experience has placed her well to service her large clientele, including government entities, financial institutions, insurance companies, securities firms and public and private entities.